Tournament Results

  • May 05, 2023 1:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bear Cup Tournament

    May 1, 2023

    Wollaston Golf Club

    Hosts: Dave Dwinnell and Tim Kurr

    1st Place - Wins the Cup - Team Cape Cod
    2nd Place - Rhode Island
    3rd Place - New England

    Best Ball of Twosome


    1st  Tom Hoffer, Pat Meehan
    2nd  Alex Stimpson, Matt Emond
    3rd  Kurt Calderwood, Ed Gianni


    1st  Jeff Urquhart, Brian Daigneau
    2nd  Mark Casey, Joe Gallagher
    3rd  Brian Juneau, Mike Poch

    Closest to the Pin:

    CTP #3 Matt Lapinski
    CTP #6  Pat Meehan
    CTP #12 Kurt Calderwood
    CTP #17 Ryan Walsh

  • May 27, 2022 11:37 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    34th Annual John O'Connell Scholarship & Research Tournament

    Monday, May 23, 2022

    Hyannisport Club

    Host: Tom Colombo, CGCS

    1st Net:  Joe Felicetti and Joe Deely

    2nd Net: David Stott and John Stott

    3rd Net:  Jim Santoro and Mike Cornicelli

    4th Net:  Greg Misodoulakis and Scott Godfrey

    5th Net:  Peter Lanman and Rich Crosby

    6th Net:  Mark Pendergast and Ben Bouchard

    1st Gross:  Matt Lapinski and Eric Strzepek

    2nd Gross:  Greg Nicoll and Parish Pina

    3rd Gross:  Matt Cornuet and Erik Anderson

    Closest to the Pin #5  Gregg Hollick

    Closest to the Pin #8  Alden Tallman

    Closest to the Pin #15  Garrett Whitney

    Closest to the Pin #17  Chris  Cyr

    Longest Drive Men - Alex Stimpson

    Longest Drive Women - Melissa Gugliotti

  • December 01, 2021 2:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    GCSACC 33rd Annual John O'Connell Scholarship and Research Tournament

    October 6, 2021

    Woods Hole Golf Club

    Host: Ryan Walsh

    1st Gross  Matthew Lapinski & Eric Strzepek   70
    2nd Gross  Garrett Whitney & Rob Yeomens  71
    3rd Gross  Matthew Cornuet & John Bresnahan  72

    1st Net  Erik Anderson & Kevin Bauer  60
    2nd Net  Brian Juneau & Kevin Taylor  60
    3rd Net  Joe Felicetti & Melissa Hyner Gugliotti   61
    4th Net  Cory Villano & Bill Oberg   61
    5th Net  Tom Hemingway & Robert O'Brien  63
    6th Net  Robin Hayes & George Fairbanks  63


    Long Drive  Rita Pannanen  (Women)
    Long Drive  George Fairbanks  (Men)
    Closest to the Pin  # 3  Ed Gianni  5'4"
    Closest to the PIn # 6   Tom Colombo  1'2"
    Closest to the Pin # 13  Arstein Tviet  1'8"
    Closet to the Pin  # 17  John Britt  5'3"


  • September 02, 2021 12:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 1, 2021
    The Captains Golf Course
    Individual Championship and New England Champs Qualifier

    Superintendent Division:
    1st Gross:  Parish Pina 70
    2nd Gross: Ben Jenkins 71

    1st Net:   Rick Lawlor 67
    2nd Net:  Matt Emond 68

    Affiliate Division:
    1st Gross:  Tom Hoffer 76
    2nd Gross: Garrett Whitney 79

    1st Net: Robin Hayes 68
    2nd Net:  Matt Ponte 70

  • July 13, 2021 3:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 12, 2021

    Triggs Memorial Golf Course - Host: Jay Hoyle

    Rho-Cod Cup Tournament

    The RIGCSA retains the Cup with a score of 9-3.

    1st Gross-69  Joe Deely and Alex Stimpson

    2nd Gross-71  Rene Vadeboncoeur & Brian Smoot

    1st Net-57  Ed Gianni & Steve Murray

    2nd Net-62  Mike Cornicelli & Dan St Laurent

    3rd Net-64  Nick Buchard & John LeClair

    Both Closest to the Pins- Matt Emond

    Long drive- Keith Tortorella

  • June 22, 2021 2:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Monday, June 14, 2021

    Member/Guest Event - Format: 2 person 4 ball format

    Willowbend Country Club - Host: Matt Klida

    1st gross:   64 Rene Vadeboncoeur, Nate Davis
    2nd gross:   66 Ben Jenkins, Ferdi Taygan

    1st net:   60 Kurt Calderwood, Michael Pratt
    2nd net:   62 Greg Mackintosh, Joe Shea
    3rd net:   62 Greg Misodoulakis, Frank Vollaro

    Long Drive:   Alden Tallman

    CTP #2:   Daniel McDermott

    CTP #7:   Joe Shea

  • May 25, 2021 11:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 20, 2021

    Cape Cod Country Club

    Format: 1 gross ball and 1 net ball of the foursome

    1st - 130,  Patrick Lange, Jeff Hill, John Dyer, Mark Winship
    2nd - 133 Kurt Calderwood, Michael Saleeba, Edward Keyes, Mark Pendergast
    3rd - 134 Edward Gianni, Steve Murray, Rene Vadeboncoeur, Matt Emond
    4th - 135 David Stott, Rich Lawlor, Robin Hayes, George Fairbanks

  • April 30, 2021 12:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thank you to all that participated in our first golf event of the season.  It was a joint meeting with GCSA of New England and GCSACC hosted the event.  Thank you to Carl Miner and everyone at the Presidents Golf Course for a great day! 

    Bear Cup Tournament - GCSACC retains the cup 7-1/2 vs 4-1/2

    1st Gross:  75  Carl Miner, Garrett Whitney

    2nd Gross:  76  Jim Dion, Rene Vadeboncoeur

    1st Net (all tied with score of 67)

    Dave Beauvais, Blaine Doherty

    Mark Pendergast, Andrew Updergrove

    David Stowe, Patrick VanVleck

  • June 17, 2020 12:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thursday, May 28, 2020

    Bass River Golf Course (tee times)

    Format: Individual - net and gross prizes

    Low Gross:  Matt Cornuet  69

    Low Net:  Rick Lawlor  79

  • November 14, 2019 12:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 4, 2019
    Holly Ridge Golf Club
    Bring your Assitant Day  Format: Two-Man Scramble

    1st Gross:  Joe Felicetti and Matt Cornuet
    1st Net:  Kurt Calderwood and Mike Saleba
    2nd Net:  Stuart Eyman and Robin Hayes
    3rd Net:  Tom Harrington and Dave Mann

    Closest to the pin:
    #8 - Joe Felicetti
    # 17 - Steve Mann

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