On September 20, 2017, MassDEP issued a notification letter to Water Management Act (WMA) registrants and permittees regarding the electronic filing of the Water Withdrawals Annual Report Form (ARF) set to begin this year. Typically you receive a paper copy of the ARF at the end of each year, and it is due by the end of February. This December, MassDEP plans to email an electronic version instead.
The letter included three attachments: a Hardship Application Form, General Information Form, and a listing of Unique IDs for your withdrawal sources. Please submit the General Information Form to us by November 30th. You may mail the form to Shi Chen at the address below, or email it to Shi.Chen@state.ma.us. Alternatively, you can simply email Shi the best email address for receiving the ARF electronically.
The Hardship Application should be submitted in lieu of the General Information Form only if you are unable to file your ARF electronically. Please submit the Unique ID form only if corrections are needed to the names or number of withdrawal sources. Contact Shi Chen at 617-292-5532 or Shi.Chen@state.ma.us with any questions on your Unique IDs.
If you did not receive the mailing, please download the General Information Form or Hardship Application from our website at: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/water-management-act-program-annual-reporting.
Attn: Shi Chen
WMA Program
One Winter Street, 5th floor
Boston, MA 02108