The Golf Course Superintendents Association of Cape Cod met on Thursday, December 10, 2015 for the Annual Meeting at White Cliffs Country Club. Here are the results from the meeting.
GCSACC Board of Directors 2016
President Paul Doherty
Vice-President Richard Lawlor, CGCS
Secretary Brian Smoot
Treasurer James McGrail
Director Joshua Beland
Director David Stott
Associate Director John Bresnahan
Past President Kevin Young
Newsletter Editor Stuart Eyman, CGCS
GCSACC would also like to thank everyone who donated canned goods and monetary donations to the Greater Plymouth Food Warehouse.
14 Scholarships were awarded to the following students: Jared Bramhall, Emma Colombo, Nuala Deely, Kaitlin Doherty, Liam Doherty, Alison Donovan, Catherine Felicetti, Sophia Felicetti, Shane Fonseca, Brianna Golden, Angela Harrington, Elizabeth Murray, Carly White and Shane White
GCSACC also awarded members with their 15 and 25 year pins.
15 Year Pins:
George Fairbanks
John Lenhart
Carl Miner
Mike Parks
Thomas Rioux
Tom Stone
Gary Sykes
Ben Whiting
Kevin Young
25 Year Pins:
Bruce Carlson
Bruce Chapman
Tom Fox
Arthur Silva
Chris Tufts

Congratulations to Dahn Tibbett on his recent retirement.
Congratulations to Kurt Calderwood and Bob Kingsbury (pictured L-R) with their awards for Player of the Year. Kurt was the Gross winner and Bob was the Net winner.